Tom Reynolds

I had the pleasure of bumping into Brian Kellett (aka Tom Reynolds) the other week on a job way out east.

Brian is probably the cursed originator and damned inspiration of many of the blasted medic blogs that are out there at present, including my one.  His (now defunct) blog, Random Acts of Reality made award status and was eventually put into a couple of books, “Blood Sweat and Tea” and then “More Blood More Sweat and Another Cup of Tea”.  His anecdotes were also the basis to the series Sirens that was out on Channel 4.

Blood Sweat and TeaNow working back as a nurse practitioner it was interesting seeing him out and about “on rounds”.

I clocked him as ex-LAS immediately due to the huge knackered steel toe capped boots he was wearing – a parting “gift” from the LAS he told me with a shifty sidewards smile.  And before long it was like having a crew mate again as we both wordlessly went about sorting out the patient for their ailment.

Brian was a thoroughly nice bloke to finally meet.  Much as I always thought he would be – except a lot taller.  And it’s good to know he still remembers how to do an ECG!

If anyone wants to look at his new set up then you can catch him on
